
11:11 Phenomenon

“We work with being, but non-being is what we use.” –Tao Te Ching #11

As we approach 11/11, I want to mention the phenomenon surrounding those numbers. About two years ago I noticed that for some reason I always checked the time when it was exactly 11:11. When I mentioned it to my husband, he said the same thing had been happening to him. Soon after it escalated to include 1:11, 3:11, 9:11; nearly every time we looked at a clock, it was 11 minutes after the hour. Since we are both aware of numerological and other types of synchronicities, we knew it had some significance but couldn’t quite place it. Since then we’ve been hearing the same thing all over the place from all kinds of people.

Those who are into numerology and the symbols used in various secret societies probably already know about the strange reoccurrence of the number 11 in the events on September 11, 2001. You can find more about this online, here is one example.

Similar coincidences are found for the numbers 11.11. The WWI armistice was signed at 11:11 AM on 11/11/18. World War II ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. The Berlin Wall fell on 11/11/89. Supposedly the Mayan calendar end year 2012 is timed at 11:11 Universal time; the U.S. Navy lists the 2012 solstice for 12/21/12 at 11:11 Universal time. Yasser Arafat died on 11/11/04. JFK was assassinated on 11/22. Wikipedia lists the events, births, deaths, holidays and observances on this day. Interesting to note that 1.11111111 squared = 1.2345678987654321 and 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321, like a count-up and count-down, or pyramid. I discuss the number 11 in my book Surfing the Tao, which was published before I started noticing the 11:11 phenomenon on clocks, because in my spirit I sensed it was important to have at least some awareness of how others think of and use numbers.

Note that the twin pillars are significant Masonic symbols. They are found in our dollar sign, along with an encircling serpent. According to their legends, sacred knowledge was inscribed upon two pillars called Boaz and Joachim, which were then lost in a great flood. Pythagoras and Hermes Trismegestus supposedly found them later and passed this wisdom on to others. Also it should be noted that the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are considered “master numbers” to occultists. Aleister Crowley revered the number 11 and considered it to be an object of magic, believing it was more powerful than the number 13, which to those ‘in the know’ is just a red herring in terms of power numbers.

The number 11 means different things to different people. It’s considered a ‘bad’ or ‘unlucky’ number to the Hebrews; for them ‘11’ stands for transgression of the law, rebellion, sin, war, sorcery and martyrdom. To others it represents the ‘Old World Order’ (thus the destruction of the twin towers to usher in the New World Order, so they say). According to numerologists, ‘11’ can mean anything from intuition, honesty, spirituality, light, gentleness, and insight to justice, karmic burden and growth in consciousness. Some say it stands for destruction, the battle between good and evil, or the birth of something new.

The 11:11 phenomenon can be found everywhere now – online there are many websites, forums, discussions, blogs and articles about it. There’s even a 4 minute video called “11:11 Wake Up” on Google. Renowned psychic Uri Geller noticed 11:11 too; he believes it is a “pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near.” He says 11:11 is our wake-up call, and when it happens to reflect for a moment, look larger, ask for help or simply listen for a revelation. Geller asserts that 11.11 is “the bridge to our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the positive unknown and beyond.”

Solara says people notice these numbers more during times of “accelerated personal change”, as “a reminder of your true purpose here on Earth”; she also describes an 11:11 Doorway or Gateway, like a crack between two worlds linking two different spheres of energy. She says when you see them, know you are on the right track. 1111spiritguardians.com says the 11:11 reoccurrence is the work of “fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels” to get our attention. Crystalinks says 11:11 can be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, to remind us that we are spirits having a physical experience, rather than the other way around. Graham Tucker also wrote about 11:11, noting some crop circles with this design. Many more links to 11:11 synchronicities can be found here. I also found it interesting to look up 11:11 (Chapter 11, etc.) in different books of the Bible and other spiritual sources.

For me, numbers resonate in different ways, and in the grand scheme of the multi-dimensional universe we live in, I know enough to pay attention to them. 11:11 has happened to me so many times now I just laugh, and think of it as God winking at me. They are like messages from the Universe, little synchronicities and signs that at the very least, confirm for me that there is a much bigger, much more elaborate plan in the works than my puny mind can comprehend. What does it mean that so many people are experiencing the 11:11 phenomenon, I can’t be 100% sure; simply that those of us who do sit up and pay attention is what I believe is important at this point. “Wake up”, as the video warns. Perhaps it’s just another guidepost on our journey towards Surfing the Tao.


Anonymous said...

I also have noticed the number 11 popping out at me from time to time, and it certainly does prompt an instinctual reaction, to think of God, or wonder about my place in the universe....

Kingsley said...

Great post A.V.! I remember Robert Anton Wilson talking alot about the synchronicity of the number 23 in his Cosmic Trigger books... yet 11 seems to represent a possible mirror?

Maybe 11.11 will indeed be our 'wake-up' call? - i'll set my alarm clock...

PS. Glad to see you're back and well after the Hawaian tremors :-)

Pallav said...

I was born on 11 may, so when people ask me which date I am born on, i show them two middle fingers, makes 11, so they remember :)

Sophia said...

Just out here seeking for some fellows who experience the same thing I do. Nice to run into your blog and find this. It's very reassuring.

Anonymous said...

Concerning 11:11, Why are you all so reassured woeman? Alot of you feel the same way once you start to discover there are others like you.
I believe we all should be very concerned and definitely wake-up!
throughout history-in every religion-there have been people called out from among the rest of the masses in various ways.The majority of those called were aware of their calling but perished. A great man once said, "many are called, but few are chosen."
If you believe that God is winking at you, playing games with you, such as surfing the tao suggests is happening with them, then be prepared to never fully understand the purpose behind this phenomenon.
This is no joke, it is real. my suggestion to everyone is check out battlefoes.com, maybe this is the next step in understanding what is going on with us.
later guys.

oldbill said...

I agree that these numbers are of spiritual importance. For me and my father both it is the number 33 that is constantly popping up. We started to notice it a few years ago when we became aware of many truths regaurding our government and it's corruption. More and more people are waking up to many truths and I think that the enlightenment of the masses is exactly what's going on, especially spiritually.

Anonymous said...

for more on the 11:11 phenomenon go to www.battlefoes.com

Anonymous said...

For me, I believe not in drawing definitive conculsions causally explaining the 11:11 phenomenon. In the Taoist or Deist philosophies of life, nothing but actual manifestations of reality are truly significant. Outside the "real" framework of existence, our everyday lives, nothing CAN be proven- thus spiritual bliss is best as its wages becomes a cleanser for the mind and soul of the challenges of living without an omnipotent mind or knowledge. So what then to draw from it? It is happening, but which element is most significant- the recurrence, the number, or mass coincidence? My take thus far is that we all have the same basic physiological brain structure as humans, so the mass coincidence can be attributed with the most simplicity as a byproduct of our humanistic relationship. So can the recurrence then be explained so, because our conscious or unconcious attachment of mind to objects and events is the same. But the number 11- for me this is the most significant. It could be as simple as the shadow of duality that the symbol for eleven (11) casts in the subconcious interplaying with our own human bodily clocks. My strange relationship with 11 actually is occurring for my birthdate. I will always look at the clock when it is 11:06 - Nov 6th. Either PM or AM, I always seem to look just so. But now it is a self-fulling prophesy... Conciously I think I am waiting on something else, but subconciously I am waiting to look at the clock at 11:06.

Anonymous said...

I have just recently started to notice the number 11, mainly with time. This visual seems to ALWAYS coincide with a decision i have made at that particular moment and i have begun to see it as a sign that i am on the right path. Everytime i see it, which is becoming more and more regular, i feel a sense of calm and conformation that i am making the right decisioins.

Anonymous said...

This 11:11 and 1:11 and now other hours ending in 11 has been happening to me for about 4 months and it is driving me nuts. I cannot believe it is without purpose. Its a bit frightening though considering I am a backslidden Christian and I believe this whole 11:11 is occultic in nature and before I was a Christian I was attracted to the occult.

Anonymous said...

i also see the numbers 11:11 all the time mostly by the time its weird though because my mum even sees the same it freaked us out at first with us both seeing the same i wonder why we both do scary if you ask me.

Unknown said...

Wow this is weird...I'm so glad I'm not the only one!

or the past half a year I have been for no reason whatsoever glancing at my clock at exactly 11:11 am every day. Maybe a few skipped but I would say about 95% of the time I will either walk to my computer for no reason and notice that its 11:11 or i will be in my car driving and reach for my phone at exactly 11:11, or turn to my boyfriend to say something, glance at the clock and tell him it's 11:11. It's become somewhat of a joke between us now but I've always wondered about the reason.

My favorite number since I was 13 has been 11, and it has been recurring in every aspect of my life. ei. my locker combinations have always contained 11, i have never had one that didnt, when i worked as a cashier out of the 40 cashier trays I was assigned #11, my volleyball jersey (self picked in highschool) #11....

Anonymous said...

i began getting 11:11 a few years ago, and maybe its "catching" but my sister now gets them too. We also get 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55 on clocks, receipts etc. Its wacky. As I became a Christian around the same time, I personally believe its prohpetic, not occultic, as mentioned above, so my action is now to take that full minute and stop and pray, either for loved ones or situations in my life or to send love out to the world, because it needs it. It now happens several times a day, so that's lots of prayer and love! :)

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I have been seeing the number 1:11 since 1992. It started right after my first son was born; every night for about a year I would wake up in the middle of the night and look at the clock.. 1:11. Eventually I would fight it, force myself to lay still and not look. For long minutes I would refuse to look; invariable, no matter how long I lay there, when I would roll over to look, sure enough.. 1:11.

I embraced the 111 ting so much so that every log in name or e-mail address I have contains 111.

With all that being said, however, I do not believe there is any significance. I'm an atheist and a skeptic, and while I consider myself spiritual in the sense that I believe in a mind(spirit to some)/body connection, I do not subscribe to notions of the supernatural. Things that are seen as supernatural I think are simply natural things that we cannot yet explain.

So while I think the 111 phenomenon is interesting, I do not believe it a sign from above or beyond. Some people see 1234 or any other combination of numbers. That 111 resembled 11:11, which is the time that the winter solstice will occur on Dec 21 2012 is a happy coincidence and makes us take more notice of it than we do of other numbers.

Anonymous said...

The 1111 sighns means change it might be in ones life, good or bad thats what these sighns mean change or warning sighns. As any one been looking towards the night sky expecting something.

Anonymous said...

I noticed 11:07 two times a day for several months and thought it was very odd; not just because i noticed it so often, but it's also my birth date. I also have ocd and it's a numerical pattern that goes through my head and ive never found out why i do it. its either 1234554321 12344321 or vise versa 5432112345 12344321.

Anonymous said...

well, I was born on 11th November! Am I special?

Anonymous said...

old testiment (Kings 1,chapter11,verse11)=11.11.11
says --->Wherefore the lord said unto Solomon,Foreasmuch as this is done of thee , and thou hast not kept my covenant and my statutes, which I have commanded thee,I will surely rend the kingdom from thee(solomon), and will give it to thy servant.

Could this point to Obama as President?

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

Anonymous said...

I've been noticing the time being 11:11 whenever I looked at a digital clock at night since around maybe 1995. It stopped for awhile but now I'm experiencing it pretty much everday but this time it's a.m. It's to the point where I've been automatically thinking it means something bad, so I've been going out of my way to avoid looking at the clock, I've even taken the clock off my computer everyday at work around 11:00 just so I can't see the time. It's really been bothering me and I really don't know what to make of it. I'm not really a supersticious person but I actually believe it means something. What, I don't know. Good or bad, I don't know? But it does seem like I have better luck when I don't see 11:11 than when I do.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing, very well written i just woke up and saw 11:11 on my digital clock and i said to myself here we go now i've also seen it. I woke up after having seen a scary dream. Some thing is very auspicious I'd say.

Darby said...

I have been seeing 11:11 right after my grandmother passed.. it happens quite frequently..shortly after I typed it into the internet and almost fell off my chair...this confirming we are all part of connectedness and reaffirmed my intuitivness...since, I have become very open to all around me and it is very enlightening to say the least...not to mention others that have the same level of understanding seem to connect with me...VERY COSMIC...

Anonymous said...

I was born at 11:11 am on October 22, 1980. I've been told that this has a lot of significance. But what does that really mean?

Anonymous said...

Lead a normal life again and suddenly those signals:
When I wake up I look at the clock and it's 8:11 pm
I get up, I'm going to shower, I shower, I leave, I look at the clock and by chance are ... 8:22 h
I dress, breakfast, I reach for the car, I come to work, I sit in my office, I look at the time of the pc: 9:22 h
Work, work, work, and after a while when I look at the time ,....... 11:11 H
I called my friend by phone. He said that one of my favorite groups is going to play at Barcelona. Towards nothing more and nothing less than 11 years not published a new album and this is that chance, 11 songs.
I close my workday, the lame car and I'm going home. The registration of the car in front of B-1122-PU.
Is that I'm going crazy?
I arrive I look at the car's odometer: 104.022km
I relax and I connect to msn ..... hour of connection: 22:22:22 h
My father died on 11th december.
My granma died on 22th september
I knew my husband on 22th july
I married on 22th sept
I lived on a flat number 38=11
Now I'm living in a house. Street name: 11 september Nº: 65=11

But if everything would end up in one day is not nothing happen, but it's already been well as some 3 years!!
I consulted with some friends and they tell me that it can be my spiritual guide that tells me or I want to communicate something.
Others tell me that I have established some type of communication between my "SuperConsciente", "My teacher"
And I just was or when it seems to me that I have evidence of signals I'm on the right track. During the day, time and place.

Please Help!!!



Anonymous said...

11 has been in my face for several moths now. My wife thought I was a bit odd until her father passed away. His funeral was at 11oclock on the 11th day of the 11th month 2008. And 11 still comes to see me regularly in time. 8:11 10:11 and so on. I feel we are instore for a very big universal happening. I am excited and waiting.

Anonymous said...

11:11 has been with me my whole life. 11:11 make a wish! It's how our brains are timed,lets not freak out people. It just means we're all mostly alike. what a concept. I wake up at 11 before seven every morning no alarm.
I find no cause for over thinking this. It just is.
Ripples from Boston

Unknown said...

Good post. I'm writing a scene for a film about the 11:11 phenom and this is a great resource.

Plus, us Elevenites have to stick together somehow.

Anonymous said...

There are three of us in Canada who see the same thing. We seem to call each other at 11:11 or jump in the car at work and it's 11:11. Never thought too much about it some of our other friends think we're crazy because we point it out to each other and they never see it.

Anonymous said...

Actually I am another person who has experienced this for the last 10 years or so. It had subsided for a time and then came back in full force for the last 2 years. During this time other "unexplained occurances" have taken place and I was afraid to even look at a clock anywhere, my house, office, car, stereo, it all began with 11:11 and 1:11 but there are many many incidences of
2:22, 3:33 and the majority of the time 4:44. Even at the grocery store I "randomly" look at a price and it will be $3.33 or $4.44. I was watching a psychic program years ago where people would phone in and ask questions and I kept thinking to myself I wish that someone would bring up this question because I needed answers and out of the blue the next caller asked exactly that. It was too much of a coincidence. The response given was the person experiencing it was growing in their spirituality and psychic abilities (of which both were true). I thought I was going crazy. I was also dating a man whose birthdate is 11, the number on his house is 11 and his baseball number is 11. I recently connected with an old friend of mine last month and he asked me if I had every experienced since 11:11on the clock all the time. I just about screamed when he asked me because other people I know have not experienced this before. I believe every thing happens for a reason and us reconnecting has some deeper meaning, of that I am sure but yet to determine just what that is. I relate my experiences to spirits that have visited my home that I have had to have cleared out. Too much to write about on here but sprits have been with me since I was a teenager. On this site it indicates that 22 and 33 are master numbers to occultist...of which I am not, I am a christian, can anyone clarify exactly what this means? From my experience, the more I got involved with my church again the more the numbers and occurances appeared. Something was trying to deter that or angels where showing their support. Sometimes it was both.

Anonymous said...

I also wanted to add that most recently, a few days ago, this same friend who I reconnected with was taking a train back to the city where he lives and the time the train was to depart was also 11:11. I think God has meant for us to cross paths again.

Anonymous said...

its called selective viewing people. no god stuff. kinda like deja vu. no one mentions or thinks anything strange when the time isnt 11.11. if you believe it you see it. much like ghosts....

Anonymous said...

Excerpt from Edgar Cayce reading:

(Q)What is the meaning of one thousand years that Satan is bound?
(A)Is banished. That, as there are the activities of the forty
and four thousand - in the same manner that the prayer of ten
just should save a city, the deeds, the prayers of these faithful will allow that period when the incarnation of those only that are in the Lord shall rule the earth, and the period is as
a thousand years.
Thus is Satan bound, thus is Satan banished from the earth.
The desire to do evil is only of him. And when there are - as the symbols - those only whose desire and purpose of their heart is to glorify the Father, these will be those periods when this shall come to pass.
Be YE ALL DETERMINED within thy minds, thy hearts, thy purposes,
to be of that number! 0281-037

How many are seeing these numbers?

Anonymous said...

I've been experiencing the 1111's since 1992. It took a break for awhile but now has returned with a vengence. On 11-11-08 I relocated to a house numbered 11. I see the 1111 and 1212's, 555's, 222's, etc. Everywhere I look. Earlier tonight I called to talk to my 12yr old Grandaughter. Soon after we began talking I was just about to ask if she has witnessed any repeating numbers, when she informed me that her pink clock had stopped at 11:11. She then said, "Oh it's probably just more of the 1111, 1212's I keep seeing." I was elated!

Anonymous said...

we are called to a higher power....behold...i say to the world...be ready for change...the time is near...are you willing to believe? are you ready for the battle?

Anonymous said...

I first started noticing 11:11 a lot in the late fall of 2007, and then did not see it for awhile. That was when I was about to discover that I was transgender. Just this past week I started seeing it again, and what sorts of changes are happening to me now? I am about to serve my wife with divorce papers, I may get to see my son, and on Monday I start job training to work in the human services field (something I always kinda' sorta' wanted to do). So, there is indeed something to all this 11:11 stuff ;)

Anonymous said...

i was born 11:11 am on august 15... and august is the 8th month of the year so add that with the day together and you get... 23... whoooooooa

Anonymous said...

I am 14 years old. I have seen 11 everywhere since i can remember. I was born may 11 at 11:11pm 7 lbs 11 oz, my mother was in 11 hours of labor and i was born 11 days earlier than I was due. I usually saw 9:11 but now it is 6:11 7:11 etc. I also always feel like if i see an opportunity for good i must accept it and do what i have to do. Example: if i see trash on the ground, i must pick it up and throw it out. As it is said above in surfing the tao 11:11 may mean "karmic burden". I hope it means i am on "the right track" because I am having trouble what it means.

Tell me what you think. Cya

Anonymous said...

Here's a good story. I was born 1/11/1962 and started seeing 11:11 frequently starting in '04. Couldn't figure out why, but I paid attention. My wife and I got pregnant on our 4th round of IVF when one egg made it through - very exciting. Then, after complications arose, we were told the baby would come via c-section on 11/10/07 or 11/17/07. That was too close for me, so I asked my wife to ask the doctor if we could schedule 11/11 for the delivery. My wife scoffed and said doctors are busy and these are the only scheduled days for c-sections. the Universe had other plans, her tests arrived back late to the hospital on Friday and the doctors said she couldn't go another week. They had Saturday filled already and had to move us to Sunday, 11/11/07. It gets better... once we arrived, I asked if we could go in at 11AM and the doctor said "no, a set of twins were ahead of us and it'll be this afternoon". By now, I was sure something larger was in control and simply said, "OK, but you know, if the Universe wants this kid at 11, it'll happen at 11." Minutes later, he rushes back and said the father of twins was stuck in traffic and we were up - the time, 11:05AM. My son was born 20 minutes later. We named him Evan, which I found out later means 'God is Good' in Welsh. Here's a video I edited of the day he was born:


Unknown said...

the 11 11 phenomenon has been happening for a while now..gives me the greatest thrill to see that magic number on my cell phone or computer. I usually make a wish..the same wish everytime :)i work in building no 38, which adds up to 11, live in Apartment no 311, born on 11 06, intrigued by the 11 times tables:). I just know that this number has an occult significance and i am still seeking answers..i know it has to do with spiritual growth and higher calling

Unknown said...

I have been seeing 11:11 for the past few weeks now. I don't mean to look for it, it's just that every time I glance at the clock it says 11:11, whether it be am or pm. I don't get what it means, but I do make a wish every time I see it :]

Anonymous said...

a long time ago, when the show was Regis and Kathie Lee, they had a guest who mentioned 11:11 and said that was when the angels were all lined up and watching over us. So, I'm not at all freaked out by it whenever I see groups of 1s.

James said...

I have been haunted by 11:11 for a few years now,everyday for some reason I look at my mobile phone digital clock at 11:11,I do this without any prompts.

I just dont get it,and after probably 3-4 years of this happening I have finally googled it for the first time today-and it seems its not just me.

There have been other 11:11 things that have happened in my life and last year nov 11th my nephew was born.

I am not a religious person there is nothing special about me-but 11:11 wont leave me alone and is really starting to get to me.

I need answers and help-is 11:11 controlling my life now?

Anonymous said...


Greek site.. all about The Phenomenon 11 but in Greek language :/

TheVoiceOfReason said...

I see 11:11 all the time on receipts. Codes on Milk, barcodes, etc.

Anonymous said...

at the beginning of your writting, your mentioned that 11-11-18 was the end of
WW2, actually it was WW1.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

around 5 years ago, I found out I always see 11:11. alot of times, I turn my head to look at the clock and see 11:11 and many times happened to the morning and the evening ini the same days!! Today I search for something about 2012 story about the end of the world and I found out 11:11 phenomenon also happened to many people. At the beginning I thought it should be because 11:11 looks very special, so I can remember, but when I found out many times, I look at the clock by turning my face and I found out it is not coincident, it must have some meaning for human being!!

Anonymous said...

James same here not religious person but 11:11 wont leave me alone too !!

Its driving me crazy now I see it very often and everywhere for example I took a screen shot of my cell phone send it to my GF to show her something the day next I was deleting some pictures on my cell phone found the screen shot I was about to delete it then something made me open the screen shot for some reason then booom the time was 11:11 when I took the screen shot !! creepy !!

I hope someone have answers out there why me ? and why ?!!

Anonymous said...

It's happening to me too. everyday! it's been going on for months now. 11 11, 22, 33 and 88. Seems like a gateway or a parallel universe of good and evil (11 11)kind of like angels and demons, or maybe it is a way to let us know that God is watching us and we are consiously aware of it, and it's become a way for us to check our thoughts, and actions. It's quite over whealming at times. I just got a spam email telling me that in 2012 the mayan calendar ends at 11:11 am, is that actually true and factual? I don't know what will happen at that time but if that is true, I would think that something is going to happen- but what? If anything... But it seems like something is up. Maybe were all suppossed to do something- like relay a message of somekind... I don't know sighhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

I am one of this people too, that keeps on seeing #11 in variations away too often to ignore the fact. It happens with measurements, time or proportions. I design and make doors and gates, so it makes sense, when reading about TAO 11...
...,but it's so simply defined as number of two in configuration or just digit row in the beginning...
mind bugling!!! :)

Anonymous said...

"...cut hole into the wall for a window or door, shape clay in to a vessel... ....what isn't present there makes it useful" TAO11

I guess - make things from nothing, that are useful/purposeful (thoughts aren't material - therefore nothing)
...poping up things into the material/our world out of non material world of thinking is pure magic, but the question is from where the thoughts got from. :)
...a lot of all this is just our mind going creative and making it up or tending to pay attention on repetition in numbers and rather ignore other random ones (people like repetition or steadiness /stillness, because it's the only secure non moving thing, that we can trust around the surrounding kayos (which isn't natural and right, 'cause everything must and is moving to evolve/live).
...,but the number keep on coming out to me unexpectedly contradictory to all of my trusted logic.....
mind bugling! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,i am Lukas 23 years old! I am glad i am not alone in this phenomenon with number 11.
I started to see 11 on the clock..
First time i saw it the hour were 9/11 (twin towers tragedy) and started to joking with friends that i knew about 9/11.. After 1-2 weeks i started seeing the clock every time when the hour were e.x 4:11,5:11,6:11 e.t.c.. It drove me nuts but laughed about it from several days! After that i played a lottery and wrote the number 11 to win..And yes i did win! I said that 11 is my lucky number because i see it everywhere!

After that i started to see this number on cars license plates, postal codes, phone numbers e.tc.

I said to my girlfriend that i want to engage with here on 11/11/11 because this means something to me and i want to know why. What will happen that day it may be good OR bad which is creepy and i am curious about that date!

The next thing is that i am 23 years old! I was born on 01/08/1987,if you make 1+8+1+9+8+7=34 and if you make 34-(23 my age) you get 11!
Well i don't know but i am starting to be more and more curious and at the same time so afraid about the number 11!

A colleague of mine says that this is my lucky year. (please note that she sees number 11 also)

Is it my lucky year? I will find it out on 11/11/11!

Glad that i shared my obsess with this number! God bless you guys..

Kind Regards,

Craig said...

Ok I'm kinda worried I see 1111 everywhere it's on my Scottish candidate number , birth certificate but only on clocks in pm so that's 2311 I suppose and strangely enough they digits are in my Scottish candidate no , house phone no , mob no and I see them more when I'm upset or angry. :/ so eh what's goin on

Angela said...

Aloha all, just wanted to check in a let people know, this post, and the one over at my new location at surfingthetao.com (http://surfingthetao.com/2006/11/11/1111-phenomenon/) are still getting comments, in fact I think there may be more comments on the 11.11 post than any other post I've ever written. It truly is an intriguing phenomenon, and the stories here and the ones at my .com still blow me away. It's still happening to us here too. Still really not sure why but probably a combination of a lot of things people have suggested. Pay attention. Much love.

Meryem Psychic said...

I have often encountered this numerological pattern but with peace of mind since I considered it good for me.

Unknown said...

i dint know other people had this till of late i decided to think more bout it,i have had it for about three years now everything seems 11:11 or ,22:22,4:44 my most common.i got concerned coz every time i check the time i always find it at 11:11.i get all this in my car,phone,microwave,laptop,radio,n at-least u guys made me feel am not alone

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