
Celestial Secrets

“A global array of inexplicable stone megaliths stands as a haunting reminder of a past long gone, of knowledge long forgotten…or is it?” – Surfing the Tao: A Revolution of Free Will

Alternative and free energy technology has been a favorite topic of mine since starting down this journey into the strange and unexplained. Much of my early research created an awareness of some kind of mysterious power source used in very ancient times, which could have been passed down to certain elite groups even today. I’ve found some tantalizing tidbits in various places – The Atlantis Blueprint by Colin Wilson and Rand Flem-Ath connects ancient sacred sites like the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge into a complex network centered around Giza as the prime meridian. In their model all of these ancient sites (including Rosslyn, Jerusalem, Babylon, Machu Picchu and many others discovered after their grid was determined) fit together in a neat geometrical grid around the planet.

Another researcher, Bruce Cathie, has written several books about a planetary energy grid. He discovered that these same ancient sites were located on points within this grid indicating specific connections to light, gravity and mass, “It appears as though Stonehenge was constructed to the universal geometric harmonics of light itself.” (p. 170, The Energy Grid) He believes they had specific functions connected to power production, communication, transportation, healing and perhaps other things as well, and questions why there is 'feverish, government-based' activity at these locations. Tesla himself knew his technologies needed to be located at specific points on the earth’s surface to work properly. Other sites which discuss ley lines, geodesic energies and the alignment of sacred sites can be found here.

Technologies such as HAARP, ELF, weather modification, electromagnetic and advanced psychotropic weaponry could be utilizing a global array which harnesses that same energy source used long ago by ancient cultures. And who knows what other advances are out there. Once can find rumors that the delta-shaped blimp, a possible source for many UFO sightings, is actually a military project which uses electrokinetic propulsion – resulting in a silent, floating ship. Also an alleged holographic technology can beam realistic images and audio anywhere.

Cathie believes the main reason much of this technology is being kept secret is because of the financial consequences should this knowledge be released. National security is at stake too – although it’s rumored that many other countries already have and are likely using these technologies. Right now the oil giants reap the most benefits of our out-dated energy systems, but this is likely to change. Tesla Motors recently announced the development of a powerful electric car which, though still expensive and in its early stages, could revolutionize our dependence on oil. Another researcher also recently came out with a controversial new energy discovery, now being hotly debated in the halls of science. And there are many others out there who understand the science behind alternative and free energy, and are working against great odds to get the truth out – not only about the technologies still beyond our reach, but about how keeping them secret creates the danger they could be used for the wrong reasons. It’s truly a brave new world, and we’d be better off knowing a little more about it – both for our own sake, and for the sake of our planet.

"A good scientist has freed himself of concepts and keeps his mind open to what is." - Lao Tzu


Casey Kochmer said...

hey you, how is everything going??

have to swirl and spin a smile for you :)

I was wondering if you were still around but yay you are posting again :)

Kingsley said...

Hi A.V. - I too am interested in the global energy grid system, and your post. Have you read the books of 'Kyron'? I would recommend looking into these - even if you wary of channeled books - sine Kryon works specifically with electromagnetism and the global grid - and says some fascinating things about the earth's grid, which will corroborate what you have been saying... also, that a new grid alignment is underway...

We could use power surge!

www.tuweb.biz said...

Quite worthwhile data, thanks for your post.